Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Check this from Florida

ST. PETERSBURG - The latest attempt to reduce noise levels does not involve
a new ordinance, stiffer penalties, or a big enforcement action. It is a
polite request to the owners of cars with loud music systems to turn the
volume down.

"People may not be aware that the radio is a little bit loud and disturbing
some of their neighbors," explained Susie Ajoc of St. Petersburg
Neighborhood Services.

Noise Free Florida's Judy Ellis imported the idea from other cities. She
claims a lot of violators turn down the volume once they realize somebody is
watching them.

"Someone took the time to write to down their tag. Somebody in the police
department took the time to write them a letter," she said.

Ellis is also president of a neighborhood association providing the
grassroots component of this experiment. It is making post cards available
to residents who can jot down tag numbers and send them into the city. Then
the police department sends the vehicle's owner a letter.

Ajoc says 1,000 cards have been printed. The city wants to see how many of
those cards citizens send in and how many of them involve repeat offenders.

1 comment:

Judy Ellis said...

This is Judy Ellis, referenced in your blog about news from Florida. I would love to speak with you via email about the noise situation in Hawaii - I had a horrible time in Kauai lasts fall. You have a noise free web site, sort of, but like me I suspect you're a renegade :) Please email me at noisefreeflorida@tampabay.rr.com and let's compare notes on dealing with the awful boomers on your islands. Thanks.